ESR 01
Novel technology (DepMAPS or HVCMOS) that allows the design of fully monolithic pixel detectors for the ATLAS HL-LHC upgrade project.
ESR 02
Design of microelectronics circuits for low noise depleted CCPD and monolithic pixel CMOS sensor
ESR 03
Radiation Hard Non-Volatile Memory BitCell
ESR 04
Design and Test of Novel Sensors Chips for Electron Microscopy
ESR 05
Radiation-hard depleted monolithic pixel sensor IC design and characterization for the ALTAS ITK upgrade
ESR 06
Development, characterization and comparison of new hybrid and monolithic CMOS pixel sensors designed in different technologies for particle and X-ray detectors.
ESR 07
Portable Radiation Detector for Environmental Applications
ESR 08
Device and circuit design for radiation hard CMOS sensors and their optimization through simulation and measurements
ESR 09
Design, assembly and test of large area CMOS pixel detector prototypes, for the ATLAS experiment.
ESR 10
Characterization of High-Voltage CMOS (HV-CMOS) detectors.
ESR 11
Validation and characterization of HV/HR CMOS detectors
ESR 12
Circuit designs for radiation hard CMOS sensors for trackers and beam monitors.
ESR 13
Characterization of a HV-CMOS sensor for TEM applications (Transmission Electron Microscope)
ESR 14
Hybrid bond process development for ultra-fine pitch CMOS sensor-ROC interconnects in pixel detectors
ESR 15
Radiation-induced defects in silicon sensors. Methodology consists of running TCAD simulations, where I implement trapping mechanisms and similar effects. The goal is to design a radiation-hard sensor.
ESR 16
Product valorisation and innovation management
ESR 16
Open Innovation in Humanitarian Sector
ESR 17
Open innovation methods, technology transfer and commercialization strategies for innovation